Monday, October 20, 2008

Luke Davies Receives Grant To Aid Writing Over Next Two Years

Grants all round

Barry Hill and Luke Davies are the big winners in the latest round of Australia Council grants, each receiving a $100,000 fellowship to aid their writing over the next two years. Other grants are dished out for a specific project to writers under the categories of emerging, developing, and established. Emerging talent includes Victorian writers Gretta Beveridge ($15,000), Briohyn Doyle, Catherine Harris, Andy Jackson, Leah Kaminsky, Bruce Oakman and Eddie Paterson ($15,000) and and Jenny Sinclair ($10,000). Developing writers include Randa Abdel-Fattah, Emily Ballou ($25,000), James Bouyce, Nathan Curnow, Stuart Forsyth, Kate James, Mireille Juchau, Kim Kane, Christopher Morgan, Nam Le, Paddy O'Reilly and Carrie Tiffany. Established writers include Robert Adamson, Venero Armanno, Robyn Davidson, Jennifer Maiden, Andrew Sant, Mandy Sayer and Charlotte Wood ($60,000), Fiona Capp ($30,000) and Sean Condon and Anne Spudvilas ($20,000).

Source: The Age

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